WHODrug Access Manager application
The WHODrug Access Manager application lets companies manage access to WHODrug applications and services independently and as needed through one internal point of contact.
What is it?
The WHODrug Access Manager is a self-service web application that has been developed together with representatives of the WHODrug user community so that companies with a valid WHODrug licence can manage access to WHODrug applications and services themselves.
Each company will have a designated contact person, or access manager, with exclusive access to the web app for their WHODrug Global licence.
Key functionalities
Access to the web app is limited to appointed contacts, so-called access managers, at companies with a valid WHODrug licence.
Via the WHODrug Access Manager application,
access managers can:
- Access the company’s subscription details in full: including available products, licence period, sites, and WHODrug accounts information.
- Review and search existing accounts
- Add, edit and delete WHODrug accounts for staff according to their company's WHODrug subscription
- Set up accounts even before the subscription payment is finalised
- Select level of access for each WHODrug account
- Export a list of all current registered accounts in Microsoft Excel format.
How to access
Only the appointed contacts, so-called access managers, at each company can access the WHODrug Access Manager web application. The web app is available to companies with a valid WHODrug Global licence at no additional cost.
To appoint an access manager for your company – and be among the first to use the WHODrug Access Manager application – contact us.
The WHODrug Access Manager application can be accessed from the link below and the WHODrug User Area page on our website. Access managers can also use their personal UMC username and password to access the web app. Contact us if you need help.
Want to know more?
Watch our video tutorial below to learn in detail how access managers at your company can effectively manage and review your WHODrug accounts.