Safer use of medicines and vaccines for everyone everywhere

Uppsala Monitoring Centre's vision and mission statement are the cornerstones of the organisation's global strategic direction and internal governance.

We collaborate with and support stakeholders within the global pharmacovigilance community, including WHO, members of the WHO Programme for international Drug Monitoring (WHO PIDM), and policymakers to drive the field of pharmacovigilance and other medicines safety-related issues forward.

Our vision

Safer use of medicines and vaccines for everyone everywhere.

Our mission

  • To support members of the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring in developing, implementing, and strengthening safety surveillance programmes.

  • To provide solutions and standardisation for secure exchange and global use of pharmacovigilance data.

  • To develop scientific methods and conduct studies to identify and assess adverse effects of medicines and vaccines.

  • To support a global community with knowledge and expertise in pharmacovigilance through products, services, education, and communication.

  • To nurture an engaging collaborative culture that attracts and develops people who make a sustainable impact on the world.

Last modified on: March 13, 2024