The WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring

A global collaboration to advance the practice of pharmacovigilance in countries across the world.

Safety in numbers

The WHO PIDM was created in 1968 to ensure that evidence about harm to patients was collected from as many sources as possible. This enables individual countries to be alerted to patterns of harm emerging across the world, but which might not be evident from their local data alone.

Members of the programme work nationally and collaborate internationally to monitor and identify adverse effects of medicines and vaccines, to reduce the risks to patients, and to establish worldwide pharmacovigilance standards and systems. UMC has been responsible for the operational aspects of the WHO PIDM since 1978.

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A global collaboration 

The WHO PIDM is an international collaboration with the goal of ensuring identification of safety problems in medicinal products. With more than 170 full members and associate members, the programme covers about 99% of the world’s population.

This is the WHO PIDM

A delegate at the annual meeting for the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring in Geneva, 2018
Hands holding medicine pills in different colours.

Programme membership

Being a part of the WHO PIDM means bringing the support and shared expertise of a global medicines safety community to your national pharmacovigilance work, and by sharing your national insights with the programme you contribute to greater patient safety worldwide.  

Requirements and advantages of membership

How to join the programme

Resources and support

Members of the programme

Members of the WHO PIDM all contribute to and benefit from the combined experience of more than 170 other members, along with UMC’s expertise, information, and tools in support of their pharmacovigilance systems and the vision of the safer use of medicines. 

View the list of members



The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the World Health Organization or Uppsala Monitoring Centre concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.

Understanding pharmacovigilance and the PV Cycle

So what is pharmacovigilance and why is it so important? Find out more about how pharmacovigilance works and see it in action as we follow Lisa through the different stages of the medicines safety cycle after she experiences side effects from her diabetes medication.

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Read our beginner's guide to pharmacovigilance


Animation of a smiling woman holding a cup of coffee.
A mountain road in Cape Verde.

Global pharmacovigilance

Watch four stories about the challenges that pharmacovigilance professionals are faced with in different parts of the world, told by representatives from Morocco, Cabo Verde, Peru, and Croatia.

Watch the WHO PIDM stories

Other resources for global pharmacovigilance work