Join us in our cause

Get to know more about what we do at UMC and why we do it – and see what opportunities are currently available to someone of your talents.

Who we are

We are an organisation of many different cultures and backgrounds, with more than 160 staff from around 25 nationalities speaking as many languages. But whether we are pharmacists, data scientists, system developers, or communicators, we all have one thing in common: a deep belief that the work we do matters. Contributing to the safer use of medicines and vaccines for everyone everywhere gives us purpose and keeps us focused.

Our vision and mission

Benefits of working at UMC

•  Job satisfaction and fulfillment
•  Room for professional growth
•  Hybrid work opportunities
•  37 hour week with flexible working hours
 Generous holiday allowance
•  Additional parental allowance
 Subsidised dental care
 5000kr health promotion benefit

UMC in numbers: 160+ employees, 30 languages and 37 hour working week.

Doing good is what we care about

As a self-funded, mission-driven, non-profit foundation, 
we value patient safety above all else

Where we come from 

The WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring was established in 1968 to prevent the repeat of tragedies such as the thalidomide disaster, where a sedative given "off-label" to pregnant women for morning sickness caused serious birth defects. A global database was set up to collect information about unexpected side effects from medicines and alert countries to potential problems. In 1978, this database was transferred to the new WHO Collaborating Centre in Uppsala. 

This is the WHO PIDM 

What we are today 

Uppsala Monitoring Centre is a non-profit foundation on a mission to improve medicines and patient safety globally. We develop science and technology to strengthen national pharmacovigilance and regulatory systems, and provide products and services to help industry achieve compliance. All profits after costs go to the WHO Programme for International Drug Monitoring to build and support national safety surveillance systems for medicines and vaccines. 

This is UMC 

Work with us

Job openings 

Whether you’re looking for a good cause, or a job with real-world impact where you can apply your STEM skills to address global challenges, UMC is the place for you. Open positions are listed here and on LinkedIn.

Pharmacovigilance Scientist

Azure Engineer 

Pharmacovigilance Technical Officer

Follow us on LinkedIn 

Master’s thesis opportunities

We welcome applications from students for either postgraduate research or internships. We offer a supportive work environment and opportunities for professional growth in a challenging scientific field with global impact. 

Apply here

A day in the life of...

System developer, Vanja Wallner

My day invariably starts off with coffee and a 15-minute stand-up meeting, where all our devops teams come together to discuss what they did yesterday and what they are going to do today. My team works with a system that many countries rely on for collecting and analysing their national safety data. There are many interconnected parts to a system like this where we are always working on a different part of the puzzle, whether that is writing code for a new application or fixing bugs. It's incredible to think sometimes that in my own small way, I’m helping to make medicines safer the world over, country by country, piece by piece.

Headshot of Vanja Wallner, system developer at UMC.