WHODrug online training FAQ

Questions about the WHODrug online training course? Check this FAQ for solutions to some common problems.

  1. Q: I'm not sure if I have a UMC username and password to access the WHODrug User Area. Can you help me?
     Users with a valid WHODrug licence are provided with an account to access the WHODrug User Area. If you are a WHODrug user, you should have received an email to activate your account. If you're unsure of your username and/or password, enter your email address as your username and click on Forgot my password on the log in page.
  2. Q: How do I request an account to access the WHODrug User Area?
     You are welcome to contact us at whodrug@who-umc.org
  3. Q: How do I log in to the WHODrug User Area?
     Please log in here to access the WHODrug User Area.
  4. Q: How do I register for the Introduction to WHODrug course?
     The registration page for the Introduction to WHODrug course is found in the WHODrug User Area. Please log in here to access the WHODrug User Area.
Last modified on: February 22, 2024