Download Area

The Download Area provides access to the WHODrug dictionary files included in your company subscription.

The WHODrug data are delivered in compressed zip folders at the Download Area located at the UMC website.

Key Features

  • The WHODrug files are released biannually on March 1st and September 1st under the section Latest Releases
  • WHODrug files under the section Latest Releases are available for download until a new version of WHODrug is released. On the next release, the files at Latest Releases section are automatically replaced.
  • Latest releases are available for download to all delivery and additional delivery contacts at your organisation.
  • Requested Releases are delivered upon request solely to the delivery or additionally delivery contact who has asked for Requested releases are available for download until UMC is specifically requested to remove them from the Download Area.

How to access the Download Area

The dictionary files are available for download to users with a valid WHODrug Global subscription and a personal UMC username and password. Additionally, such users need to be registered as delivery/additional delivery contact at your organisation. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Download dictionary files

Last modified on: June 27, 2024