WHODrug Change Analysis Tool (CAT)

CAT enables users to analyse the impact of data changes from one version of WHODrug to another.

The WHODrug Change Analysis Tool (CAT) facilitates up-versioning of WHODrug. This web-based tool will give the user a complete, clear and easy-to-understand overview of dictionary changes, displayed in straightforward detail, record by record. A summary of the data-changes is provided, facilitating internal communication and understanding of the impact of the process of creating a new version.

A visual summary provides an overview of what impact a forthcoming WHODrug version will have, simplifying data-change analysis. Users can see an overview of all changes made between two versions, or upload company specific data and synonym lists, and receive changes affecting specific data only.

A simple and reliable data impact analysis, WHODrug CAT offers the possibility to upload specific data and review specific changes that have taken place in each version, making the impact-evaluation process even easier.

Key features

  • From March 2017, users will be able to compare a version of the B2-format with the same or a later B3-format release and to view all modifications and deletions between the selected versions.
  • To support the upversioning process further, a text file containing the corresponding B2 and B3 Drug Codes will also be available for WHODrug versions from 2015 and onwards.

How to access WHODrug CAT

WHODrug CAT is available to users with a valid WHODrug Global subscription and a personal UMC username and password. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Access WHODrug CAT

Last modified on: June 27, 2024