Change Request process

All change requests will follow the process described below:

  •  Missing drug verified in Insight. In the event of a missing drug, the requester verifies the accuracy of the request in WHODrug Insight (e.g. the record is already included in an upcoming release; the record is not misspelled etc…)
  • CR submitted. The requester submits a CR via the WHODrug Change Request. When requesting a new record to be included in WHODrug, basic facts such as drug name, active substance(s) and a reference are requested to be filled in via the tool. This assures the correct identification of the medicinal product of interest and the inclusion of quality data in WHODrug. If it is not possible, for any reason, for UMC to include the requested drug name in WHODrug, then we can often suggest a placeholder record to code to instead.
  • CR Received. After submission in the tool, the CR is confirmed and assigned a request ID: identifying a single or a batch request. The status of the request is updated to “In progress”.
  • CR evaluated. The request is handled by a WHODrug specialist based on the details submitted.
  • Further investigation. If the request is complex and needs further investigation by a substance or ATC expert, then UMC will inform the requester of the expected time required for handling the request.
  • CR decision. Once the CR evaluation is concluded, a decision is taken and the status of the request is set to either “Accepted” or “Rejected” accordingly. In complex cases or if the request is rejected, a comment may also be appended with the rational of the decision.
  • CR notification. The requester is notified via e-mail about the decision.
  • View CR decision. The requester can view the CR decision in WHODrug Change Request.
  • Requested drug details in Insight. Approved CR details can be viewed in WHODrug Upcoming Data in Insight through a link in WHODrug Change Request. If the requested drug is a non-unique name in WHODrug, multiple records may be displayed in WHODrug Insight. Please ensure to use the correct record.
Last modified on: February 22, 2024