WHODrug Insight

Our search tool gives you instant access to all of the data available in WHODrug so you can code both drug names and drug classes more efficiently.

With WHODrug Insight, you save time coding and can easily find all the information you need for creating and working with medications of interest lists. We are constantly developing and updating our online browser, with input from the user community, to increase efficiency when coding and analysing medications in clinical trials and safety reporting.  

Key features

  • Direct access to all WHODrug data – find the information you need quickly and easily in one easy-to-use interface with advanced search functionality.
  • More efficient drug coding – WHODrug Insight helps medical coders and reviewers make faster and more accurate decisions and assessments.
  • Work with medication of interest lists – having all the data to hand makes it easier to identify and group drugs based on their pharmacological effects and metabolic pathways using UMC’s Standardised Drug Groupings (SDGs) or your own Customised Drug Groupings (CDGs).
  • View WHODrug data in different dictionary formats and versions – WHODrug Insight offers a better understanding of different WHODrug Global versions, including additional data in future releases.

Moreover, with WHODrug Insight, you have the ability to search for Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical (ATC) Classification System codes and ATC texts, B- and C-format names and synonymous ingredient names, and to combine different search criteria. You also enjoy full access to key WHODrug product portfolio functions without modifying or revalidating your systems.

How to access WHODrug Insight

WHODrug Insight is available to users with a valid WHODrug Global subscription and a personal UMC username and password. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us.

Access WHODrug Insight

Last modified on: June 27, 2024