How is the dictionary produced?

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Our goal in the WHODrug production team is to provide users with a product of world-class quality. We’re a group of 25 pharmacists, medicinal chemists and IT specialists. We collect, validate and classify drug information from multiple international sources. The validation of trade names, inclusion of MAH information, identification of substances and determination of ATC assignments are among the essential tasks. Changes to already existing records in WHODrug are made or logged to meet defined coding conventions. We have strict processes and control mechanisms in place, we practise quality-control and assist in setting up quality standards to effectively manage the coding process. The overall goal is ensuring WHODrug Global is produced to the highest standard.

Our IT specialists develop and maintain the delivery platform and the tools that support the portfolio. The whole team is subject to strict quality management processes at every stage, including the standards for coding.

Last modified on: February 22, 2024