WHODrug Standardised Drug Groupings (SDGs)

WHODrug SDGs provide information on how a specific class of drugs may affect the study drug, causing unknown interactions, protocol violations and deviations, and unreported adverse effects.


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WHODrug SDGs are specific classifications of drugs of interest, listed according to properties such as their pharmacological effect or metabolic pathway.

Key Features

  • WHODrug SDGs are prioritised by the user community, developed by UMC’s scientists and WHODrug expert users, and peer-reviewed by counterparts in related fields.
  • Investigators create inclusion/exclusion drug lists as part of the study protocol to monitor medications taken by patients during a clinical trial. Creating and maintaining these drug lists is time consuming and there is a risk that relevant new drugs may be missed during the updating process. 
  • UMC has taken the responsibility to maintain and assure the quality and timeliness of WHODrug SDGs, ensuring they are unbiased and standardised drug lists. Using the SDGs saves time for users and contributes to patient safety.
  • WHODrug SDGs is provided as part of a subscription to WHODrug Global.


Last modified on: June 27, 2024