AEFI in VigiFlow
VigiFlow has been expanded to support reporting and analysis of AEFI for immunisation programmes.
Introduction to AEFI in VigiFlow
Introduction to AEFI in VigiFlow
AEFI Linelisting
This video covers sections First decision making level to complete and National level to complete.
Investigation and Assessment
This video covers sections Case narrative and other information, Adverse event, In case of death and Past medical history.
View Investigation and Assessment
Back to overview
Adverse event, case narrative and past medical history
This video covers sections Patient, Health facility and Reporter.
View Vaccine coding
Patient, Health facility and Reporter information
Vaccine coding and WHODrug aspects on Covid-19 vaccines
Vaccine section
This video shows how to uploading attached files to AEFI reports
Attaching additional documents
To support efficient handling of reports in VigiFlow there is some workflow support in place. This videos covers delegating reports , assigning reports and filtering for reports that have been delegated to your organisation.
Delegating and assigning