WHODrug Global Chinese

Standardised Chinese medicinal product information, for drug coding and safety analysis.

Key features

  • Standardised drug information and ATC classification in Chinese
  • Continuous updates with new releases twice a year, aligned with the English version of WHODrug Global
  • View and search for data in Chinese in our online browsing tool, WHODrug Insight

Data standardisation

Since China joined ICH in 2017, the Chinese government has vigorously promoted the integration of its drug regulatory system with the international community, introducing and adopting standards common to the international pharmaceutical industry. WHODrug Global Chinese supports that process by providing standardised and quality-assured drug information in Chinese. The data is continuously updated along with the English version and released twice a year.  

Direct coding

WHODrug Global Chinese lets you code drug information from clinical trials and post-marketing surveillance studies directly in Chinese, avoiding the need for interim translations. This improves the flow of data and makes submissions to Chinese regulatory authorities straightforward. 

Data submission in your language of choice

Instant translations of English and Chinese drug information simplify the regulatory submission process both inside and outside China.

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What is included

For drugs approved in China, product names appear in Chinese. In addition, active substances, ATC classification, country of sale, marketing authorisation holder, and pharmaceutical form are shown in Chinese.

For drugs approved outside China, all the above information is provided in Chinese, except for the trade name and marketing authorisation holder, which are shown in English.

How it works

WHODrug Global Chinese is included as a separate file package in the WHODrug Global subscription from 1 September 2019 at no additional cost. The same format as WHODrug Global ensures straightforward implementation in your coding application. Data is available to subscribers either as text and csv files or via WHODrug Insight. To support your implementation of the dictionary, a detailed implementation guide and a WHODrug User Guide are available to download from the WHODrug library.

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For more information contact us at WHODrug@who-umc.org.


Last modified on: June 27, 2024